Rabu, 23 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

. Name  Groups:
 Marta Anindita - 
 Ade Putra -
 Rian Pirnando -
 Abraham Aritonang -
 Syafitra -

1. What website do you use to find information? which are best? why?
Marta: what sites do you think best? Explain?Ade: www.facebook.com, because on facebook all the information I can see, with the information on the facts and abroad.Abraham: soccer.net, because I liked the information or news about football and I believe that this site can give me information tentnag football from home and abroadRian: google.com, for in google I can find things I wanted to find something whether it be material or events in the worldSyafitra: Detik.com, because all the information I find I can get into the site, and all information contained in this site is the fact that most actual and I believe the site or the information contained in this site is the best.
2. does your school or teachers have any rules about using such sites?
Rian: whether schools or teachers have rules for using these sites?Marta: There may be some who interpret this site is bad for small children or minors, because in this site there are a lot of content in adults, but in my opinion depends on those who use it whether it is good or bad use.Abraham: there are no restrictions, because the information contained in this site is only concerned about football.Syafitra: there are no restrictions, because the sites I select very facilitate its users to get the information.Ade: I do not think so, because the sites I select a site that is good for anyone who uses the site

.3. what is the difference between online information and information from libraries or encyclopedias?
Abraham: what is the difference between online information and information from the library in the encyclopedia?Marta: I think more the latest information from the online encyclopedia information from libraryAde: its difference is the online information very easily on the can, and it is always the latest newsSyafitra: very different in terms of its presentation of information is much differentRian: for information online in presenting the information we need very fast and more popular

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