assalamualaikum wr.wb
hi back again with me in the same blog and at a different time, this time I will discuss about your favorite song when I sing karaoke, I'll review it at this opportunity, and this can say this is my favorite song, we just discussed.
my favorite song is the umbrella shade "fret" this song is about an expectation that none, under any circumstances that someone will still wait and song, and this little mystery that I know about the secret message behind the song is "It all began on experience Comi while hiking. he was hiking with his friends. There was one her male friend who vent when she was hit by problems of love. on the way, his friend was gone. Everything was looking for. Because the trouble to look and not see-see, they finally decided to waiting for the next post.old did not come they look for it back in. Once found, his missing it already lifeless by hanging himself on the tree. As it turned out, in his pocket behind paper containing poems. Well, snippets of poetry was later included to lyrics Restless, I waited patiently, over here, hovering "If we are attempting to associate with the lyric, Hovering here means not tread on the ground. Ever see those hanged himself his feet flat on the ground? If he did, I'll bet that person is still alive. In this sentence might mean is how the poet to be able to meet again with his girlfriend in a different world. Yep, the way it is with suicide. With the word "hovering" meaning way of suicide by hanging himself. If we truly love someone, we would do a stupid thing for him though
and thank you for taking the time to read his only look at reviews of my favorite songs, and I say the final word
wassalamualikum wr.wb
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